Smt. Parmeshwaridevi Durgadutt Tibrewala Lions Juhu College of Arts,Commerce and Science, formerly known as Shri Rajasthani Seva Sangh College of Arts & Commerce, was established in the year 1986 to provide higher educational facilities to needy and deserving students in the neighbourhood. The college is committed to and reaffirms value based education in order to develop among students a sense of responsibility to serve the society. To fulfil this core mandate and to inculcate in students such values and principles. The college has an excellent organizational structure backed by efficient & co-operative management and highly qualified and sincere faculty. The college also has been granted minority status. The active participation of the students in Sports, Cultural & co-curricular activities is always distinguished there personalities from the different fields are invited from time to time, to develop the personality of our students. The financial supports for needy students is made available by the management and faculty members.
Dr. Trishla Mehta
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"- Nelson Mandela.
In the age of globalization where information is easily and universally accessible, we at SPDT college aim to provide the necessary tools for our students to face the challenges in the world. We truly believe that the foundation of a strong and prosperous nation lies in its youth, and an educated mind can contribute radically. It is with this thinking that we have introduced various skill development programmes and courses that add value to students which will provide them with the prerequisites to overcome various challenges and help them build a fulfilling career.
Every year expansion and addition of various options in education in Degree College is being done to felicitate all the students of the vicinity to pursue their career.
"We want the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one's own feet." - Swami Vivekanand
It's my pleasure and privilege to serve as the Chairman of Shri Rajasthani Seva Sangh's, Smt. Parmeshwaridevi Durgadutt Tibrewala Lions Juhu College of Arts, Commerce & Science, not only because it's my passion but also because I enjoy the company of my dearly loved students and talented teachers who keep me energized all the time. The experienced team of staff carefully nurture and develop every student and make this institution a very special place.
At Shri Rajasthani Seva Sangh's, Smt. Parmeshwaridevi Durgadutt Tibrewala Lions Juhu College of Arts, Commerce & Science, we aim to TRANSFORM STUDENTS AS ICONS OF TOMORROW, Our motive is "Providing quality education, using innovative teaching methods and ensuring holistic
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