Shri Rajasthani Seva Sangh's

Smt. Parmeshwaridevi Durgadutt Tibrewala Lions Juhu College of Arts, Commerce and Science (AUTONOMOUS)

Affiliated to University of Mumbai

Debating Society(Hindi/Marathi/English/Others)

The members of the teaching staff of Degree College are hereby informed that the following Committee has been constituted for the academic year 2018-2019.  The Chairmen of concern Committees are requested to plan and start the activities of their respective Committees.

Debating Society(Hindi/Marathi/English/Others):

Dr. Nidhi Pundir                                                  : - Chairperson

Dr. Nanda Indulkar                                             :-  Member

Ms. Karuna Shinde                                             :-  Member

Ms. Jyoti Rajan                                                  :-  Member


Marathi vangamay Mandal report 2022-23


The Department of English has organized various activities throughout the year through English Literary Association.

Aim: To work for the overall personality development of the students.

  • Objective: To arrange co-curricular activities like One Act play, which would not only support student’s study but also give them an opportunity for practical work.
  • To provide a platform to the students to arrange and participate activities like group discussion, Mock interviews and such other functions which would allow them to practice English speaking through them.
  • To arrange competitions like elocution contest, essay –writing, book review, Role play ,etc. giving them an opportunity for self-expression.
  • To develop leadership qualities in the students by allowing them to arrange certain functions and shoulder responsibilities.
  • To instill in the minds of the students the spirit of self-help , service sacrifice and co-operation.
  • To organize-poetry reading , novel reading aloud to generate reading culture as well as story-telling skills of the students.


English Department



Elocution refers to one’s capacity of communicating with others, with the use of exact speech and gestures. Keeping this in mind English Elocution Competition was organized on 27th July 2018 in Seminar room at 10.50 by English Literary Association. The program was started with a welcome speech by Dr. Nidhi Pundir which was followed by inauguration session. There were three judges for the competition, Prof. Sunder Jothi, Prof. Pooja Soni, Prof. Reshma Khan.







The participants won the hearts of the judges and the audiences with their confidence, expression, and talent and made the event really memorable. The best and the outstanding feature were the competitors by their excellent presentation of the speech. There were around 20 participants from different classes and topics were:

  • The dangers of drugs
  • Depression in metro cities
  • Women empowerment
  • Role of media in education

The first prize went to Miss Ruth Nelson of F.Y.B.COM d division, and second prize was awarded to Ezaz Shaikh of F.Y.B.COM –A division. And third prize went to Sharika Tiwari of B division.

 Essay writing competition:

 On  24th July in room no 201 Essay writing competition was also organized by English Department. We received good response, 23 participants has taken part in this event



Topics were:

  • Is democracy a hindrance to development.
  • Importance of Physical fitness.
  • Technology for rural development.
  • Effective communication skills.

Students put their best effort to write essay. The toughest job for our judges to find out winners for both the completions but few good participants were chosen as they have put their efforts and hard work to be the winner.  The first prize went to Jennifer Menezes of T.Y.B.Com- A, and second prize was awarded to Amandeep KaurPabla of T.Y.B.Com –A, third prize went to Bhagyshree Gawai  of S.Y.B.Com- A.

The students from different stream attended both the programs in large numbers which was conducted by English Literary Association.


Convener: Dr. Nidhi Pundir


Report of Elocution Competition and Essay Writing Competition




Activities during the year 2016-17

English Literary Association has organized Essay writing competitionon 2nd august ,2016 in room no.401 at 10.45. 27 Students have participated in this competition. Elocution competition was organized on 8th august,2016 at Seminar room at 11.00 a.m. 10 students have participated in this competition

In both the competitions Mr.DharmendraTriapti –F.Y.B.Sc.IT got the first prize. AbhishekGawali- F.Y.B.F.M won the second prize.Miss Sana Shaikhf.y.Bcom  was on third position.

A Mock Interview is an emulation of a job interview used for training purposes. The conversational exercise usually resemble  are real interview as closely as possible. Through ELA we organized Mock interview, to help students to understand what is expected in a real job interview and help them to improve their self presentation. Mock Interview was organized on 19th Febraruary,2017 in Room no 401. Group Discussion with power point presentation also organized for F.Y.Bcom and students in seminar room on 14th and 15th December 2016. Role play and Book review activities were also organized for f.y.bcom and F.y.b.a students. A workshop for effective communication skills was conducted on 03rd December 2016 at 9..00a.m in the college seminar hall.

It is a matter of pride for us our student Khan Sofia Maqsood –S.Y.Bcom , has secured the second position by winning prize money of rupees three thousand only and certificate of honour in Intercollegiate Essay writing competition on ”Role of youthin National  security “ on the day of Shaheed divas at Mumbai University.

The enthusiasm shown by the students in all activities was really over whelming and highly appreciable.




English Literary Association

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