Shri Rajasthani Seva Sangh's

Smt. Parmeshwaridevi Durgadutt Tibrewala Lions Juhu College of Arts, Commerce and Science (AUTONOMOUS)

Affiliated to University of Mumbai

RTI Committee

The members of the teaching staff of Degree College are hereby informed that the following Committee has been constituted for the academic year 2018-2019.  The Chairmen of concern Committees are requested to plan and start the activities of their respective Committees.

R.T.I. Committee:

Dr Trishla Mehta                                              :-Appellate officer

Ms Joyeeta Dutta                                             : - Public Information Officer (PIO)

Mr Raju Barua                                                  : Assistant Public Information Officer


RTI Home

Right to Information (RTI) is an Act of the Indian Parliament enforced from the year 2005, to provide for a practical regime for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities. This aims to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority.

For RTI queries please write to

Public Information Officer (PIO)

Address: Shri. Rajasthani Seva Sangh's, Smt. Parmeshwaridevi Durgadutt Tibrewala Lions Juhu College of Arts, Commerce and Science,

              J.B. Nagar, Anadheri (East), Mumbai-400059, Maharashtra

Phone: 7738319732
Fax: +91 (22) 28353002
E-mail: [email protected]

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